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Overview & FAQs
The Global Discovery Panel is the fastest, most affordable, and most intuitive way to investigate specific biological concepts and their connection with the metabolome. By leveraging an expertly curated library of metabolites, you will gain a focused understanding that cuts through the noise in your data and keys you into what really matters.
Change how you view the metabolome with a functional phenotypic readout focused on your area of interest.
Metabolon’s LC-MS global metabolomics technology provides a high-fidelity, reproducible analysis of the current-state of a biological system to help reveal changes in key biological pathways. Metabolon’s unmatched chemical library and expertise identifies, tracks, and maps the different classes of metabolites and pathways that inform your study and reveal meaningful, actionable insights.
Metabolon has leveraged 20+ years of experience to create focused panels of biologically significant molecules that are direct readouts of specific biological questions. By annotating these metabolites with relevant associations, we empower our users to quickly identify the signal from the noise.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Data Access & Sharing
Does Metabolon have a Data Governance and Data Privacy Program?
Yes. Metabolon’s Data Governance Program was established to support Metabolon’s commitment to protecting the personal data we receive or collect to prevent misuse and unauthorized access and to comply with applicable data security and privacy laws and regulations. The Data Governance Program establishes risk-based safeguards that protect information while not impeding its appropriate use. Metabolon’s Information Security Officer and Data Privacy Officer, together with Metabolon’s Data Governance Steering Committee, are responsible for developing, maintaining, and implementing the Data Governance Program in support of these program objectives.
Metabolon handles personal data in acordance with applicable data privacy laws and regulations. Metabolon has implemented a comprehensive information security program based on the NIST Special Publication 800-53 Revision 4 that combines policies and procedures with physical and logical security controls.
I have other omics data that I would like to analyze. How can I do this?
Discovery Panel data sets are exportable to industry standard formats for easy integration into many multi-omics software packages.
Can I share my data?
Once your data are downloaded, you may share, store or manipulate them using statistical, multi-omic, or other bioinformatic tools.
How do I download my data?
You can download your study data by accessing the Data & Integration tab and using the data export tool.
Our Knowledge Base
What compliance and regulatory standards does Metabolon adhere to and which accreditations/certifications does Metabolon have?
Metabolon is ISO 9001:2015 certified for analytical and diagnostic testing of all biological samples. ISO 9001:2015 outlines specific Quality Management System requirements with a strong focus on ensuring consistent and efficient processes, customer focus and satisfaction, and continual improvement. Metabolon adheres to additional regulations or standards when performing specific types of testing:
Clinical Testing on Human Specimens: Metabolon adheres to the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) regulations (42 CFR Part 493) when performing clinical testing on human specimens for the purpose of diagnosis, prevention, or treatment. Metabolon is also accredited by the College of American Pathology (CAP), which ensures that the laboratory not only meets but also exceeds CLIA requirements. Metabolon possesses clinical laboratory licensures or permits from several states such as California, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island to perform clinical testing under CLIA. Metabolon holds a permit from New York State to perform specific tests under CLIA.
Our Certificates:
- CLIA – Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments
- CAP – College of American Pathologists
- ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management Standard
If you need a certificate for a specific state, you may talk with your Metabolon client success team.
GCP/GCLP Testing: Metabolon has the capability to offer bioanalytical testing for targeted assays that adhere to GCP and GCLP quality standards.
Data Security and Data Privacy: Metabolon handles personal data in acordance with applicable data privacy laws and regulations. Metabolon has implemented a comprehensive information security program based on the NIST Special Publication 800-53 Revision 4 that combines policies and procedures with physical and logical security controls. Metabolon’s Information Security Officer and Data Privacy Officer, together with Metabolon’s Data Governance Steering Committee, are responsible for developing, maintaining and implementing the Data Governance Program in support of these program objectives.
How are metabolites and small molecules identified for Discovery Panels?
Metabolon performs extensive analyses to curate unique lists of metabolites and small molecules for our Discovery Panels. This process included coupling institutional knowledge with a review of published works within the field to select metabolites that were often highlighted as being relevant to the topic in question. This selection of metabolites was then cross-referenced for frequency of detection on Metabolon’s platform. Therefore, Metabolon’s Discovery Panels provide a robust snapshot into specific biological questions.
What is Level 1 metabolite identification? How does Metabolon’s annotation compare to other metabolomic service practitioners?
Levels, ranging from 1 to 5, are commonly used to convey confidence in metabolite identification. Levels refer to the level of detail – and thus the assigned confidence for accurate identification – for each metabolite. It is not until the appropriate level of detail is reached in Level 1 that definitive compound identification based on multiple orthogonal measurements and comparison to data from an authentic standard can be achieved. Therefore, Level 1 identifications represent the highest level of confidence in the annotation. Level 2 through 5, on the other hand, represent decreasing levels of confidence.
Metabolon’s metabolomics workflow is uniquely designed to deliver Level 1 and 2 identifications for detected metabolites. This unique level of confidence in the annotations is made possible by Metabolon’s use of a chemocentric approach to metabolomics that uniquely detects metabolite features and matches them against Metabolon’s vast in-house library. Metabolon built this library through the analysis of >5,000 authentic standards run in-house using our methods and instruments. This approach to untargeted metabolomics means that all metabolite annotations meet the stringent criteria required for a Level 1 or 2 identification.
Metabolon’s approach leverages this vast library to ensure accurate annotation of not only the metabolites which show statistically significant changes in a study but also those which remain unchanged, and therefore add crucial insight into the underlying biology.
Other Service Options
Discovery Panels do not come with custom interpretation – What if I need additional support or a customized report?
Customized reports are not available with Discovery Panels. However, we offer the Global Discovery Panel, which can be customized to include the level of interpretation and attention your projects may require.
I’m interested in absolute quantification of my metabolites. Do you have this ability?
Yes. If you require absolute quantification, you can choose from our full library of Targeted Panel and Single Analyte Assay solutions.
Can I add specific metabolites to this panel that are relevant to my area of interest?
If your study requires additional metabolites, you may choose our Global Discovery Panel offering.
Technical Specifications
Does Metabolon have the capability to develop quantitative biomarker assays that adhere to the FDA Bioanalytical Method Validation Guidance of 2018 and the ICH M10 Guideline?
Yes. All GCP/GCLP targeted assays are developed and validated according to the rigorous requirements outlined in the FDA Bioanalytical Method Validation Guidance (2018) and ICH guideline M10 on bioanalytical method validation and study sample analysis (2023). Metabolon also has the capability to validate GCP/GCLP targeted assays to the standards defined in the EMA Guideline on Bioanalytical Method Validation (2011).
Does Metabolon offer bioanalytical testing that adheres to GCP standards?
Yes. Metabolon offers quantitative biomarker analyses of specific metabolites (also referred to as a targeted panel) that adhere to GCP and GCLP standards when this quality standard is required for clinical trials. All GCP/GCLP targeted assays are validated according to the FDA Bioanalytical Method Validation Guidance (2018) and ICH M10 Guidance (2023). All other bioanalytical testing offered by Metabolon adheres to ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Standards. ISO 9001:2015 outlines specific Quality Management System requirements with a strong focus on ensuring consistent and efficient processes, customer focus and satisfaction, and continual improvement.
What regulatory standards do Microbiome Discovery Panels meet?
Discovery Panels are designed as Research Use Only (RUO) products. We offer other solutions that meet GCP/GCLP, CAP, and CLIA requirements. Contact your sales representative for more information if you need to meet specific regulatory standards.
Using Discovery Panels
Where can I find information about methods?
How many comparisons can I make with the Heliogram™?
You can select up to six comparisons to view at once, arranged and ordered by the sequence of their selection.
The outer ring of the Heliogram™ visualizes statistical comparisons (one group compared to another) for each metabolite in the Discovery Panel. Select which comparison(s) to view by using the “Select Comparison” drop-down menu. Here you will see the group comparisons defined by your study design.
Can I export images of these figures?
Yes. To export your figure, click on the “SVG” button next to the figure. Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a web-friendly vector file format that can be easily edited and scaled.
How are the radial groupings sorted from outer to inner ring in the Heliogram ™?
Outer Ring: Metabolites
The outer ring of the Heliogram ™ visualization consists of the total number of metabolites in the Discovery Panel, arranged by Metabolite Source or Pathway groupings. The outer ring can show up to six statistical comparisons at a time, to allow you to compare your results and view trends or contrasts.
Inner Ring: Associations
The inner ring of the Heliogram™ visualization consists of annotation-based associations across Pathways. Each node represents an association, ordered alphabetically. The bar next to each node shows the percentage of significant results within the association.
On the Bubble Plot, what does the dot in the center of a metabolite mean? How are group effects defined?
If ANOVA Main Effects are included in your study design, results will be indicated by a dot in the center of the circle with more information on hover.
Each metabolite is represented by a circle, which is sized by its degree of significance and colored by its direction and intensity of change. A larger circle indicates higher significance (lower p-value), and a more intense color indicates a higher degree of quantity change (fold change).
Table of Contents
Getting Started
Overview & FAQs
Common How-Tos
Discovery Panel Report
Impact Explorer & Heliogram
Profile Finder
Knowledge Base
Product Glossary
Experimental Procedures
Statistical Methods & Terminology
Data Privacy & Security
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Corporate Headquarters
617 Davis Drive, Suite 100
Morrisville, NC 27560
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 110407
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709