On Demand: Association between Sphingolipids and Phospholipids with Blood Pressure and Hypertension Across Multiple Population-Based Cohorts

Association between Sphingolipids and Phospholipids with Blood Pressure and Hypertension Across Multiple Population-Based Cohorts

Speaker: Dr. Annie Green Howard, Ph.D.

Summary: In this presentation, Dr. Annie Green Howard, Associate Professor at the University of North Carolina, discusses how metabolomics and other omics data helped elucidate biomarkers associated with high blood pressure and hypertension that may identify novel interventions for these disease states.

High blood pressure is a risk factor for several causes of death and affects many populations worldwide. However, blood pressure regulation is a complex problem that involves many factors including genetic and lifestyle considerations.

Dr. Howard presents her work with the Chinese Health and Nutrition Survey that examined a cohort covering multiple provinces within China to try to understand how blood pressure is related to the gut microbiome and the plasma metabolome. This work then informed her work on the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study which is a large population cohort study examining black and white men and women across the United States at two different time points. Watch the talk to learn more about her results and the pathways she uncovered that are related to hypertension.

In this talk you will learn:

    • The impact high blood pressure has on populations around the world
    • Biological pathways associated with high blood pressure
    • An approach to uncover patterns within the microbiome and metabolites using Metabolon’s Complex Lipid Targeted Panel



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