Performance of a Novel LC-MS/MS Panel To Measure Phytocannabinoids and Endocannabinoids in Cannabis Users

A novel, targeted metabolomics panel (the Cannabinoids Targeted Panel) has been developed which allows for the concurrent quantification of a diverse range of phytocannabinoid and endocannabinoid metabolites from a single sample. As an example, the Cannabinoids Targeted panel was used to characterize a young adult population diagnosed with Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD) in comparison to a control group and revealed a marked elevation in THC-related metabolites in subjects with CUD. Download this poster to discover how these findings demonstrate the panel’s potential to uncover valuable insights into endocannabinoid regulatory mechanisms in a wide range of research applications.

Authors: Lisa Ford, Katherine Gotlinger, Scott Hutton, Michael Fath, Rachel Tomko, Anne Evans, Rangaprasad Sarangarajan

Presented At: Metabolomics Society 2023
Niagara Falls, Ontario
June 18-22, 2023

Hi-Res poster


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