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Tasso+ Serum Peripheral Collection Device Validation for Research Use Only Metabolomic Studies

The use of peripheral collection devices (PCDs) for metabolomic sample collection provides a less invasive and simpler solution than intravenous blood draws. Additionally, PCDs open a realm of new options for study design as they facilitate sample collection in remote locations and without the need for trained phlebotomists. Tasso+ PCDs address the issues of small blood volume and user friendliness often associated with finger-prick collections via a small vacuum within the device to passively, and relatively painlessly, collect up to 1 mL of whole blood from the upper arm in less than 5 minutes. The objective of this study was to analytically validate serum samples collected using Tasso+ devices, affixed with BD Microtainer® tubes, for research use only (RUO) on Metabolon’s Global Discovery Panel.

Authors: Spencer D. Wood, Kelli D. Goodman, Blair A. Lane, Laura Sommerville, Matthew W. Mitchell, Anne M. Evan

Presented at: MSACL
April 2 – 7, 2023


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