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Advances in Targeted and Untargeted Metabolomics

With over 1,300 clients and 10,000 projects resulting in 3,000-plus publications, Metabolon has been a trusted partner of researchers for more than two decades. Metabolon’s flagship service, the Global Discovery Panel, provides Level 1 identification of up to 5,400 metabolites. In the past year, Metabolon has launched a wide range of new Targeted Metabolomics panels that provide absolute quantification for important research areas. These include panels that measure: Oxysterols, Sphingolipids, Lipid Mediators of Inflammation, Diabetes Research Markers, Cannabinoids, Bile Acids, and Short Chain Fatty Acids.

Authors: Michael Fath, PhD, Natasa Giallourou, PhD, and Heino Heyman, PhD.

Presented At: Metabolomics Society 2023
Niagara Falls, Ontario
June 18-22, 2023

Hi-Res poster


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