Integrative “Omic” Analysis of Experimental Bacteremia Identifies a Metabolic Signature That Distinguishes Human Sepsis from Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndromes
Author: RJ Langley, JL Tipper, S Bruse, RM Baron, EL Tsalik, J Huntley, AJ Rogers, RJ Jaramillo, D O'Donnell, WM Mega, M Keaton, E Kensicki, L Gazourian, LE Fredenburgh, AF Massaro, RM Otero, VG Fowler Jr., EP Rivers, CW Woods, SF Kingsmore, ML Sopori, MA Perrella, AMK Choi, KS Harrod
Year Published: 2014
Media Outlet: American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
Open Access? Yes
Matrix: Plasma and Serum, Tissue
Biological Themes: Inflammation
Product(s): Global Discovery Panel
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