Estradiol and mTORC2 cooperate to enhance prostaglandin biosynthesis and tumorigenesis in TSC2-deficient LAM cells
Author: Chenggang Li, Po-Shun Lee, Yang Sun, Xiaoxiao Gu, Erik Zhang, Yanan Guo, Chin-Lee Wu, Neil Auricchio, Carmen Priolo, Jing Li, Alfredo Csibi, Andrey Parkhitko, Tasha Morrison, Anna Planaguma, Shamsah Kazani, Elliot Israel, Kai-Feng Xu, Elizabeth Petri Henske, John Blenis, Bruce D. Levy, David Kwiatkowski, Jane J. Yu
Year Published: 2014
Media Outlet: Journal of Experimental Medicine
Open Access? Yes
Matrix: Tissue
Biological Themes: Lung function
Product(s): Global Discovery Panel
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