Metabolomics represents the ultimate biological endpoint. By identifying and quantifying metabolites within a biological sample, investigators uncover new frontiers of understanding – What role does this metabolite play in host biology, diseases, and disorders? Will its presence and concentration impact protein or gene behaviors, indicating it is a marker for wider systems biology? Can its detection be a predictor of good or bad biological outcomes leading to the development of new therapeutic interventions?
The power and utility of metabolomics data is transformative. Its use in multiomics research is critical to advancing life science discoveries, and Metabolon is at the forefront of metabolomics research.
To help researchers maximize their understanding of metabolomics, and the interplays of metabolomics with multiomics data, Metabolon is proud to announce a significant refresh of our website:
Our new website
The site refresh is designed to make it faster and easier for visitors to find relevant information about metabolomics applications across all major research areas, as well as identifying which metabolomics services are most relevant to their research objectives.
New navigation
The new and improved menu helps quickly identify the best web page to learn more about Metabolon’s products and services, our contributions to different metabolomics applications, and company news and updates.
We have reduced the number of pages by more than 50%, making the most valuable information more accessible, with fewer clicks.
We have also included room for new, featured information to help inform visitors of the latest updates, content, and offers from Metabolon to stay informed.
Mobile optimized
The website is fully mobile optimized and has a number of functional improvements to the User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI). Users should be able to navigate between pages more easily , and all of the content and images are now better represented and readable across all screen resolutions.
The changes to are a part of our commitment to quality – we understand that metabolomics is a large field with many facets of learning, and by making our library of learning resources, publications, services, and case studies more readily available we hope to help everyone committed to uncovering new biological outcomes with metabolite data accelerate their path to novel insights.